Register for MyAccess

Please complete all of the information requested below, as it appears on your policy documents.

In order to successfully open your Canada Life 'MyAccess' account, we will need to use the email address registered against your policy(ies). If we don't currently hold an email address for you, or if you would like to change the one currently in use, you can advise us of the new details using the registration form, which you will need to complete, sign and email or post back to us.

If you believe any of the information we currently hold is incorrect, please call us on +44 (0) 1624 820200+44 (0) 1624 820200 or email


Login details

Please use the email address provided at the time of applying for this policy. If you have not provided an email address for this policy we ask you to complete our registration form and return it to our Customer Services at the address mentioned.

If you require any help please call us on +44 (0) 1624 820200 or email

Security questions

Please choose three security questions and provide the answers. The answers are case sensitive.


Registering your account. This might take a few seconds ...